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RE: losers .. Auto remail on a Web server?? how do people get on this list?

Come on guys!!!

I agree that there are several silly things that happen on a mail list, and 
that none of us really like seeing them, but there are better ways than to 
make the list harder to access.  If you want a list like you speak of, then 
collect the names and addresses of those you like to exchange information 
with, and create your own manual list.  My guess is that you will not do 
this because you subscribed to the list because you want to reach as many 
people in the world with similar knowledge.  You have to keep in mind that 
not all people who know about www security know about email and lists. 
 These people are going to make mistakes.  Also, there are several people on 
mail lists which may not be capable of fully understanding large email 
charters written in English, so are you willing to translate the document 
into all languages of the participating mail list users?

What I suggest is that if you want to police the list, then when you see 
someone doing something that does not follow the policy, then *KINDLY* let 
them know.  If this does not work, then I would suggest letting the list 
owner know.  Of course, this will require a list owner who is willing to 
enforce the charter as well.  Finally, if problems continue to occur, boot 
the suckers out.  I have seen other mail lists where entire domains were 
excluded because of various reasons (i.e., all of AOL because of a 
incompatibility that generated extremely large non-text files).

 --- Ed.Hamilton@lmco.com
From: owner-www-security
To: www-security
Subject: losers ..  Auto remail on a Web server?? how do people get on this 
Date: Friday, August 16, 1996 9:28AM

 > Is it possible to place an auto remailer on a Web server?

sure, anything's possible.  but that question doesn't belong here.

I concur with the earlier message:  how did so many losers get on this
list?  They can't read the charter, they don't know how to use a
mailing list, they probably can't read a book.

Can we make subscribing harder?
1.  have them answer a questionnaire
 - do you know how to use a maiing list?
 - can you read a book?  (then look at these web/security books: ...)
 - have you read the charter

2.  when they send mail to www-security-request to subscribe,
give them a confirmation code that they must send back..  people
who can't read or follow directions will be lost.
This is pretty easy to set up with procmail.

3.  Make them include who they are and why they're interested,
and what they expect to find on the list (this tests whether they've
read the charter or archives on the web).  Reject them for the
smallest reason, or because you feel like it.

4.  Include in all descriptions of this mailing list,
"You will find plenty of losers here sending lots of unsubscribe

Be totally draconian.
Fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

I think the lowest common denominator of 'web' and 'security' people
are attracted to this list.  It should be renamed to something like
NMITD, Nasty Monsters In The Dark (pardons to light-challenged readers).


1.  put in a procmail filter to catch anything with 'unsubscribe',
  'get (me )? off' etc
2.  less efficient, i will trade procmail recipes with others,
  and a select lucky subset will enjoy less noise.  maybe this will
  be called www-security-filter or nmitd-filter.  there will also be
  a www-security-filter-filter list to filter out this noise, etc.
  losers without filter capability (ms mail or whatever) can ask to
  be adopted by   someone who does.
3.  i'll start a new list if i'm not totally pessimistic that it could be
  any better.

If you are offended by this message, good, I meant to only offend those
who are offended by it.
